two female friends facing the camera and smiling and laughing

Is your glass half empty or half full?

It’s easy to stay positive when all is going well but what about when rough times hit? This Google Executive, Mo Gawdat, gives his powerful perspective on the happiness algorithm and how to live a simple life and be happy, even when tragedy hits.

I hope this video lifts you up this morning and brings everything into perspective. Life is good if you let it be! In case the video won’t load on this page here’s the video link, which is posted on Channel 4 New’s account.

Keep the vibes high and have an amazing day!!! 😊

Is there a happiness algorithm?

“Happiness is not about what the world gives you – happiness is what you think about what the world gives you.”

This Google executive says he has the secret to happiness, a discovery he says was tested when his young son died suddenly on holiday.

Posted by Channel 4 News on Monday, April 10, 2017

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